Western Academy of Beaux Arts (WABA)

Beach Panorama
The following provides a brief glimpse of the Western Academy of Beaux Arts. For detailed information, please visit WABA's dedicated website at www.waba1908.com. This new website includes general information about WABA as well as information that is available only to members.
Please note that WABA does NOT use the Town's mailbox. They have a mailbox of their own on SE 28th Street near the Arterial. Please do not leave WABA mail in the Town's mailbox as that may delay delivery of payments, important documents, and information.
The Western Academy of Beaux Arts (WABA) is a non-profit corporation, the government and corporate powers of which are vested in a board of five trustees. All property owners in the Town of Beaux Arts Village are WABA members and are eligible to vote in WABA elections, provided their membership is in good standing. They also enjoy full beach rights. Renters may apply for guest memberships, which entitle them to use the beach but not to vote in WABA elections.
WABA owns and administers the 1,100 feet of Lake Washington shoreline that front the western boundary of the Town, including the beach, picnic areas, tennis court and boating facilities that accompany it. This entire tract is private property (and has been since September 4, 1909) established for the enjoyment of and use by all WABA members and their guests, who must be accompanied by the member while using the beach.
WABA volunteers also organize races for the Beaux Arts Racing Fleet (BARF). Races are held each Wednesday evening during June, July, and August, and participants unanimously agree that a good time is had by all! Race results and other BARF information are now found at http://www.waba1908.com/.
To contact the WABA Clerk, please consult your WABA directory.
Contact Info
Western Academy of Beaux Arts
10010 SE 28th St, Beaux Arts, WA 98004