Building Department / Permit Center

Building, Planning and Zoning
The Town of Beaux Arts Village issues its own building, grading, mechanical, plumbing, demolition, tree-removal and right-of-way permits. The Town does NOT issue permits for electrical work. Electrical permits are issued by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries, Bellevue Service Location, 425.990.1400.
The Building Department oversees all aspects of construction on private property in the Town of Beaux Arts Village, from permitting to final inspections. Deputy Clerk Addie Tych handles all administrative aspects of this process, serves as a liaison between the Town's contract professionals and its residents, and will be your first contact with the Building Department. The Town's Building Official and Town Planner work under contract with the Town and perform all technical work associated with permits and inspections.
Construction on Town rights-of-way, including paved roads, is overseen by the Street Department and inspected by the Town Engineer. Please refer to the Public Works / Street Department pages of this website for more information.
In this section of this website, you will find pages for:
- Permits and Inspections - provides the application forms, instructions, and checklists needed to apply for a permit. Please note that we offer electronic submission; more information about that option is also on this page.
- Zoning Considerations and Changes - presents information about special zoning considerations and provides the instructions and forms needed to apply for a zoning change, e.g. a variance, boundary line adjustment or subdivision.
- Special Considerations - outlines information about other considerations that may affect your project, e.g. Bald Eagle Nests in Beaux Arts.
Please consult these pages before you make plans for your next construction project. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the instructions and use the forms.
If you need information about the Town codes governing the work to be performed, please use the link to the Beaux Arts Village Municipal Code below. This code sets forth the Town's zoning rules, building standards, permitting requirements, and schedule of inspections.
If you have questions regarding code interpretation, please contact Deputy Clerk Addie Tych; she will direct your inquiry to the appropriate contract professional. Any and all hours that contract professionals work are billed to the Town and are chargeable to the specific project they are assisting, reviewing, inspecting, etc. Property owners will be billed for the charges associated with these hours based on the Town's current Fee Schedule.
To contact Deputy Clerk Addie Tych, please visit our CONTACT US page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Construction Hours
In consideration of neighbors, the Town sets the following construction hours as a condition of all permits. These hours are STRICTLY enforced, and a violation will result in a Stop Work Order.
Monday through Friday 7 AM – 6 PM
Saturday 8 AM – 5 PM
Sunday and Holidays* No Work Allowed
*Holidays are New Year's Day, MLK Birthday, Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. If the actual date of the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the preceding Friday or following Monday is the observed holiday and no construction work is allowed.
Sales Tax on Construction
The Town receives a portion of the sales tax charged to residents by contractors when construction work is performed at a Beaux Arts home. Contractors collect the sales tax and then report it by taxing entity to the Department of Revenue each quarter. To ensure that Beaux Arts receives it portion of this sales tax, please be sure your contractor uses code 1703 to report all sales-tax collections on your project.
Use of the Planting Strip Right-of-Way
The Planning Commission has prepared a flyer to help explain what the planting strip right-if-way is and illustrate its uses. Please click here to view the flyer.
Landscaping Project Guidelines
Many landscape projects can be far more extensive than just installing a few plants. The Building Department has assembled these Landscaping Project Guidelines to help homeowners and contractors determine whether or not a permit is needed to complete a landscaping project. We strongly encourage anyone contemplating such a project review the guidelines before beginning any landscaping work.
Arborist Recommendations
Town staff are occasionally asked for arborist recommendations. We suggest that anyone wanting to hire an arborist for tree-related work visit for help in finding a qualified professional in the area. Tree Solutions, our Town Arborist, is not able to perform work for residents due to the potential for conflict of interest.