Legislative Priorities

Each year, the Town Council prepares a list of Legislative Priorites for the year to guide their work on behalf of Town residents.  


 Legislative Priorities 2025

Infrastructure – Replace Aging Infrastructure and facilities, Procure funding for projects on Capital Improvement Plan

Climate Change – Maintain at least 40% Tree Canopy coverage, Species Diversity & Tree Replacement Plan, Wildfire Hazard Mitigation

Public Safety – Build Relationship with Fire and Police Services, Impacts to Budget of Significantly Rising Costs, Crime Mitigation, Watershed Measures

Balanced Budget – Revenue Sources, REET opened to more than just Capital Projects, reduce expenses and Unfunded Mandates including Staff Time

Housing Density – Monitor legislative session, work with lobbyist to keep TOD at Reasonable and Sustainable, already 5th highest density town in the state by sq miles

Utilities – Water Department to be self-funding, mitigate risk of ageing infrastructure, franchise agreements with PSE, Republic Services, Bellevue Sewer