Special Considerations
Property owners in the Town of Beaux Arts Village must also comply with King County, Washington State and Federal regulations that affect their proposed project and/or property, including but not limited to the following.
- SALES TAX REPORTING: The Town has its own Sales Tax number. A portion of the sales taxes collected and reported using this Sales Tax Number are returned to the Town and used for local projects: repairing streets, maintaining Town property, general administration, etc.
Property owners and/or contractors are asked to report all sales-tax collections to the Washington State Department of Revenue using the Beaux Arts Sales Tax Number 1703. In addition, owners/contractors purchasing materials that are delivered to a Beaux Arts address should ask the merchant to report the sales-tax collections associated with the purchase to this Sales Tax Number. - BALD EAGLE PROTECTION: Beaux Arts is home to at least one pair of nesting bald eagles; many construction projects will be subject to Federal and state rules that protect the eagles' habitat. Please visit http://wdfw.wa.gov/conservation/bald_eagle/ for current rules and regulations.
- CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL RECYCLING: King County recently enacted rules requiring that all construction and demolition (C&D) materials generated in King County be taken to a King-County Designated C&D Facility. In addition, disposal of the following materials are is prohibited; these materials must be separated from non-recyclable water either at the jobsite or at a designated C&D Facility:
Wood (clean, untreated, unpainted), Cardboard, Metal, Gypsum Scrap (new), Asphalt Paving, Bricks, and Concrete
For more information, please visit http://your.kingcounty.gov/solidwaste/greenbuilding/construction-demolition.asp.
PLEASE NOTE: Compliance with these rules is enforced by the agency charged with that enforcement; however, if a property owner's project is cited for non-compliance by an outside agency, the Building Official has the option of imposing a Stop Work Order that will remain in effect until compliance is achieved and documented by the citing agency.