Special Considerations

Bald Eagle over Beaux Arts Beach
Property owners in the Town of Beaux Arts Village must also comply with King County, Washington State and Federal regulations that affect their proposed project and/or property, including but not limited to the following.
- SALES TAX REPORTING: The Town has its own Sales Tax number. A portion of the sales taxes collected and reported using this Sales Tax Number are returned to the Town and used for local projects: repairing streets, maintaining Town property, general administration, etc.
Property owners and/or contractors are asked to report all sales-tax collections to the Washington State Department of Revenue using the Beaux Arts Sales Tax Number 1703. In addition, owners/contractors purchasing materials that are delivered to a Beaux Arts address should ask the merchant to report the sales-tax collections associated with the purchase to this Sales Tax Number. - BALD EAGLE PROTECTION: Beaux Arts is home to at least one pair of nesting bald eagles; many construction projects will be subject to Federal and state rules that protect the eagles' habitat. Please visit http://wdfw.wa.gov/conservation/bald_eagle/ for current rules and regulations.
- CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL RECYCLING: King County recently enacted rules requiring that all construction and demolition (C&D) materials generated in King County be taken to a King-County Designated C&D Facility. In addition, disposal of the following materials are is prohibited; these materials must be separated from non-recyclable water either at the jobsite or at a designated C&D Facility:
Wood (clean, untreated, unpainted), Cardboard, Metal, Gypsum Scrap (new), Asphalt Paving, Bricks, and Concrete
For more information, please visit http://your.kingcounty.gov/solidwaste/greenbuilding/construction-demolition.asp.
PLEASE NOTE: Compliance with these rules is enforced by the agency charged with that enforcement; however, if a property owner's project is cited for non-compliance by an outside agency, the Building Official has the option of imposing a Stop Work Order that will remain in effect until compliance is achieved and documented by the citing agency.